13 community songs for Advent longing and joy
-- Piano scores
-- Lead sheets
-- Vocal harmony parts
-- Chord charts
-- Melody lines for slides/bulletin (jpg)
-- High quality mp3 recordings
-- Instrumental tracks
-- ppt lyric slides, ready for your formatting
That's everything your musicians, worship designers and projection/bulletin people need for all 13 songs.
A $140 value for only $77.00.
Download below.

In Advent we hear ancient stories of pregnant women, bewildered men, angry prophets and hopeful elders. With this great cloud of witnesses, we 21st-century people find ourselves in good company when we seriously wonder what is about to break in the world or break through.
O Holy One is a thirteen-song cycle, each piece functioning as a particular piece of the ancient worship liturgy.
If your service has this kind of iconic structure, in O Holy One you pretty much have yourself a full slate of liturgical songs for the entire season of Advent. If your service is less formal, it's a baker's dozen Advent-themed songs to use here and there throughout the season.
O Holy One is an effort to both behold and participate in a world where the Holy One is ever emptying into creation.
"Clothed With the Sun" by Stacy Wills. Used with permission.

Click to listen with lyrics
An Invocation: O Holy One
A Song of Praise: Gloria!
A Kyrie: O Tender God, Have Mercy
A Lesson Response: Come Holy Spirit
A Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia
A Doxological Offertory: With Grateful Joy
A Greeting: People of God
A Sanctus: Holy, Holy, Holy One
A Call to the Meal: The Gifts of God
An Agnus Dei: O Christ, Lamb of God
A Joyous Memorial Acclamation: Christ is Coming, Ever Coming
A Post-Communion Canticle: Thank God and Sing Praise
A Nunc Dimittis: Holy One, Now Let Your Servants Go
All songs written by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan. © 2004 Worldmaking.net (ASCAP)/This Here Music.
All rights reserved. Used by permission. Licensed via CCLI, OneLicense.net and Worldmaking.net.

All materials are delivered as PDF, JPG, mp3 and ppt files.
You must have a CCLI, OneLicense.net or Worldmaking.net license to use these songs.
Thank you!
The Word of God Fleshed
John 1.1-14 with Psalm 82.3-4
The Word of God fleshed out among us
The Word of God fleshed out among us
Justice-- we long for justice
We long for the Word of God fleshed out among us
The light of life shining into our world
The light of life shining into our world
Justice-- we long for justice
We long for the light of life shining into our world
words and music by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
© 2016 Worldmaking.net (ASCAP)
All rights reserved. Use only with permission, please.
Licensed via CCLI, OneLicense.net and Worldmaking.net.
Sing it with your circle
The Word of God Fleshed Charts
piano score
lead sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational melody line
songleader's notes
The Word of God Fleshed
Accompaniment Pack
everything above
powerpoint lyric slides
original recording
instrumental accompaniment track