Meal of Creation
Holy Communion in solidarity with all creation.
Verse 1:
Bread from the ripe fields of the land
Juice from the grapes of the vine
Taste of our common story of struggle
Taste of communion and new life
Meal of creation
Sing all together the song of the earth
Meal of creation
Belonging to any who hunger and thirst
Verse 2:
Share in the lush life of the earth
Take from our planet its gift
Feel the embrace in the midst of our changes
Touch of communion and God's kiss Refrain
Verse 3:
Dance with our dear kin of the air,
those of the land and the sea
Sing with all species now living and dying
Sound of communion, the world's feast Refrain
Words and music by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
© 2017 (ASCAP)
All rights reserved. Use only with permission, please
Licensed via, CCLI and
Sing it with your circle
The Chart Package
piano score
lead sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational line for bulletins/projection
songleader's guide
The Accompaniment Pack
all charts above PLUS:
powerpoint lyric slides
original mp3 recording
mp3 instrumental accompaniment track
Meal of Creation
Chart Package
Only $10.00
Meal of Creation
Accomp Pack
Only $12.00